In Last Night’s Biden-Trump Debate, America Lost

W.J. Astore

Two Angry Old Men Tell Us Much About America

Last night’s political debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump was a sad spectacle. Clearly, Biden performed poorly. Trump, I suppose, was Trump. The CNN post-debate commentators were universal in saying the Democratic Party is panicking after Biden’s appearance and performance, almost as if they were reading from the same script. It’s finally OK in the mainstream media to state what’s been obvious for years: that Biden is simply too old and infirm to serve as president for another four years. Look for Biden to be replaced as the Democratic candidate, though how gracefully remains to be seen.

Neither candidate did well in last night’s debate

Biden started poorly and never fully recovered. He walked out haltingly. His voice was raspy. He was arguably over-prepared, talking too fast, spouting too much detail, looking confused. A low point came when he lost his train of thought and then concluded by saying “We finally beat Medicare.” Trump pounced. If this had been a fight, the referee would have stopped it then and there.

There’s a catchphrase from a Clint Eastwood movie that “A man’s got to know his limitations.” Biden doesn’t know them, not anymore, and the people around him are doing him a grave disservice in continuing to push him forwards, in continuing to prop him up. It’s time for Biden to retire, to be a one-term president, which was initially the plan when he ran and won in 2020.

After the debate, Trump walked grumpily off the stage. Biden stood there, seemingly at a loss, until Jill Biden came and guided him carefully down a few steps to greet the moderators.

The debate itself was a charisma-free zone. Both men spent most of their time bashing the other. It was a house of frowns. As I watched and took notes, I wrote this: Biden and Trump trade insults while America burns.

In a rare burst of pseudo-agreement, Trump and Biden both said their opponent was the worst president in U.S. history. Both also had surprisingly weak and inept closing statements.

That being said, Biden and Trump did offer a sharp contrast. Biden continues to assert America is the envy of the world, the best country bar none, with the finest military in all of human history. For Trump, America is a failing state, a “sick” country, akin to a “rat’s nest,” overrun with illegal immigrants.

Turning to foreign affairs, both men eagerly supported Israel, with Trump going the extra mile in saying he wants Israel to finish the job in Gaza, the job being genocide of the Palestinians there. Interestingly, Dana Bash, the CNN moderator, said only that Israel’s massive offensive in Gaza had killed “thousands” of Palestinians. She, of course, said nothing of ethnic cleansing or genocide, and neither did the candidates. Pro-Palestinian protests went unmentioned.

“We’re a seriously failing nation,” Trump said, and he’s right about that. The problem is that Biden is too old to run again and Trump remains temperamentally unfit to serve as a public servant at any level. Both men toward the end got into an argument about their respective golf handicaps. It was really that bad—and that out of touch with the needs and concerns of workers and families across America.

6 thoughts on “In Last Night’s Biden-Trump Debate, America Lost

  1. I think this take is out of touch and it off the mark, and that Trump was on point and articulate while Biden was doddering. What, exactly, did he do so wrong, and what, exactly is so bad about him for america?


    1. Trump refused to answer questions, e.g. about child care support, gave a lot of misleading statements, and wasn’t always articulate. Still, he made a better impression than Biden did.

      From my perspective, I think America needs fresh blood from both parties. If you want more specifics, I’ve written extensively on Trump at this site. Click on “Trump” in the “Tag” cloud to the right. Thanks.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I liked Joe Biden, as a candidate during the 1988 presidential primary season.

    That would have been his ideal time to run, and quite possibly win against Bush, Sr.

    Joe was in the background for years after the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas hearings.

    Then, out of nowhere, they pick Joe to run with this black guy with a Muslim name, to give Obama credibility on the national and international stage. And amazingly, that team beat the war hero and well-like McCain, who should have won but for his running mate, Palin.

    Here we are, it’s 2024 and somehow the Democrat party has not nurtured its ‘farmteam’ very well.

    There’s no one compelling in the age 50 to 65 bracket.

    Fifteen minutes into the debate, my wife and I realized this was going to be a disappointment — it turned into a disgrace, and the moderators lost control which made it almost impossible to watch.

    I’m going to read some foreign press to get their viewpoints on the debate and its likely aftermath..


    1. How and when did moderators lose control? And I take it you don’t like Trump. If that’s the case… what’s so bad about him, in your opinion? Also, what was so good about Joe Biden in 1988? Wasn’t he pretty openly racist back then? Don’t a lot of the clips of horrible things he said nowadays come from back then?


  3. … heading into July, there’s 129 days until the election… what a mess… future of country-world in balance, and we have these two going for us … no one on the planet can say assuredly what’s gonna happen, what our future is going to be … scariest-part, not many-enough seem worried about it


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